Thursday, June 28, 2012


I've recently gotten into this yard sale site my town has on Facebook. It has rules, like no more than two posts a day, unless you create an album, no bidding wars, and first come first serve (comments)... it's created quite well, there's not much confusion, and those who try to be sneaky are deleted. Then you just private message, arrange a meeting (I typically use Safeway Coffee Shop) and BAM you've just sold online.

Let me show you the things I sold today

 I sold 6 books 2/$5 = $15
 and I still have 2 left to sell

I sold 2 pairs of shorts for $5/pair and have two more left to sell

I sold a pair of shoes, never worn = $5

All of these things have just been sitting in the back of my car FOREVER!! As I was cleaning in out, I thought I'd give them a try. And I got $30 for things I wasn't using.

And that's just today, I've sold furniture/clothes/collectibles etc..

I challenge you, look around and find what your not using, put them on your local listing and see what you come up with. If you more interesting in having a Facebook group like this one in your area, comment below and I can send you details on how ours is ran. Ours has grown from 200+ to 2,000+

Be creative!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Commercial Workout!

Want to have a relaxing day watching TV clipping coupons, while the laundry is running, and the water is on the jasmine outside? Me too!

While I was on Pinterest looking under the fitness tab, I found this super do-able commercial workout!

Check it out!

Every time there is an insurance ad                                 10 crunches

Every time there is a car ad                                               10 lunges

Every time there is a fast food ad                                     15 squats

Every time there is a department store ad                      15 jumping jacks

Every time there is a restaurant ad                                  10 push ups

Every time there is an ad for a movie                               15 jump ropes

Every time there is an ad for a tv show                            15 bicycles

Every time there is a make up shoe ad                             10 reverse lunges

Every time there is an electronics ad                                10 reverse crunches

I'm definitely starting to notice how many insurance and tv ads there are!!!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Jamey Took My Pictures

While out on our photo excursion yesterday I too took my turn, leaving my comfortable spot behind the lens, to be the focus of the shots. It was quite the growing experience, I must say.

All photos by Jamey Thornhill

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Photography | Jamey

 Today I had the privilege to do a photo shoot with my good friend Jamey. Here's a preview of some unedited shots I got today. Tell us what you think, this was our first time sharing the spot light & having ourselves be photographed. It was quite nerve racking at times but so much fun! We'd love your feedback below!


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Look At That Trunk

I love Elephants.
So I put a ring on it.
Check it out.

I found this gem at an indoor flea market in Sacramento. I couldn't believe all of the different things I saw in there, it seemed as if you could live in there and never have a need to leave. We kept our visit to about 45 minutes (the time it took to go down all the isles), and I walked out only spending $1.00... Great deal right!?

Friday, June 22, 2012

I Fell In Love With Elvis

Whether you're a new fan or an old fan, I believe there's some Elvis out there for everyone!

Here's the song that I've heard since I was little, and gradually fell for. 
It's called Can't Help Falling In Love... perfect right?!

An interesting thing I found while checking out pages on Graceland and such, was a list that he made.. A list of things to be kept in stock at all times. Makes me think of the items I like to always have on hand. What would you have on your list?!

  • fresh, lean, unfrozen ground meat
  • one case regular Pepsi
  • one case orange drinks
  • rolls (hot rolls - Brown 'n' Serve)
  • at least 6 cans of biscuits
  • hamburger buns
  • pickles
  • potatoes and onions
  • assorted fresh fruits
  • cans of sauerkraut
  • wieners

  • at least three bottles each of milk and Half and Half.
  • thin, lean bacon
  • mustard
  • peanut butter
  • fresh, hand-squeezed cold orange juice
  • banana pudding (to be made fresh nightly)
  • ingredients for meat loaf and sauce
  • brownies (to be made fresh nightly)
  • ice cream - vanilla and chocolate
  • shredded coconut
  • fudge cookies
  • 3 packs each of Spearmint, Doublemint, and Juicy Fruit gum
  • cigars (El Producto Diamond Tips & El Producto Altas)
  • cigarettes
  • Dristan
  • Super Anahist
  • Contac
  • Sucrets (antibiotic red box)
  • Feenamint gum
  • matches (four to five books)


Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Dress For Summer

After months of searching, trying on, falling in love with and find out they were sold out of my size... I've finally found a perfect summer dress! For a STEAL and with time to spare!!

It's a beautiful papaya colour , with a breathable cotton fabric and it's not clingy. In fact it's beyond comfortable, and not too short.

Here's the break down.

Dress: $15
Jacket: $20
Handbag: $10
Necklace from Haiti: $3

Feeling amazing on a beautiful summer day: Priceless

Thank you Marshall's and Payless Shoes, for always making my trips worth it!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sharpie + Dollar Store Mug

This afternoon I was scrolling on Pinterest and found an artistic, unique, and inexpensive gift idea. It's quite simple, but gives that nice, personal touch. Simply take a sharpie, pour your heart out on a coffee mug, bake at 350 for 30minutes, and you'll have a gift for every family member, or a crafty must-do for girls night. (Make sure your mug can go in the oven) 

My mug says: This is my Symphony
 Taken from a quote by William Henry Channing.

"To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable; and wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly... To listen to stars and buds, to babes and sages, with open heart; aware occasions, hurry never... This is my symphony."



Friday, June 1, 2012

Haiti 5 Day One - Travel Day

Friday - travel
Packing took forever, Cameron's protein powder takes up half of my suit case, holy cow!! I'm so glad he's there though, and that I can help by bringing him something from home.

Went to Stockton this morning met the team at their church, and we were off shortly after we prayed and received our game plan for the airport. We arrived way early because there wasn't any traffic. It was a little weird being with a team of mostly new travelers. Hearing Sandi (team leader) tell everyone when to get their passports out and when they could put them away, it was interesting and different. I keep forgetting that a lot of them aren't "used to" the airport n such... Wait till they get to Haiti!

Now as we're waiting for the flight, I opened the first letter Hannah gave me. Full of wisdom and love, the kind only Hannah can give, because she knows the things that get me, and what inspires me. Love that girl!

Can't wait until our plane gets here because 1. It's HUGE & 2. I have a window seat, score!

New York tell the lady oh libertaaay I'm coming!

Haiti in June?

Tonight I will be on a red eye flight to New York, and then on to Port Au Prince, Haiti.

It doesn't feel real.
Do I want to be there? YES
Is it odd that no one else from "my team" is going? Definitely

I've joined an amazing bay area team, the leader Sandi, I met a few years ago at a concert through a mutual friend of HaF. I've spent a lot of time with her on the phone, and we've emailed a great deal. But as far as spending time with the team, gas prices and work have made that almost impossible.

So I've come to the strange realization that I know the missionaries at Hands and Feet in Haiti, more than I know the team I'm going with. No one from our original team, or that we've previously taken, will be with me. The exception being Cameron; a full time missionary there, and a friend that I have known since my freshman year in high school.

It will definitely be a challenging week, which is what I was "signing up for". Being there, out of my comfort zone, with out Rebekah and Annie (our normal team leader, and her amazing wisdom filled roomie), with out Jesse, Jay, Adam, and Zac our normal group of guys, with out the jokes and memories we normally share. It's all going to be different.

"No expectations", that's what we try and remember every year, because it's Haiti, and thats just how it has to be.
Though I'm a bit anxious, I'm excited to see what God has in store for us on this new, different, unpredictable trip.

Please, if you get the chance, say a quick prayer for us, and that God will grow us, stretch us, and work through us, during this beautiful journey.

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus