February of this year, my heart changed. It changed dramatically. Let me tell you how.
I didn't grow up with baby siblings. Until recently, I haven't had a niece/nephew (now I have both). I'd never really worked with babies. I grew up with the same notion my dad had when I was born, if I hold them, they might break...
Then, on my 3rd trip to The Hands and Feet Project in Haiti, that all changed.
The previous years in Haiti on Sunday we would go to church next door with the team and the missionaries, but this year, we were able to give the nannies in the nursery a break and let them go to church while we took care of the (then) 7 babies. When I was asked if I'd like to help, I was terrified. Of course I wanted to help, but I'd never done this before, and described myself as, "not a baby person".... little did I know...
Among the kiddos there was Schneider. He was three almost 4 months old, and only weighed about 6lbs. He wasn't being taken care of by his parents and this was his 5th (out of 7) visit to HaF to be given fluids and brought back to health. When I got there Saturday, he was much better than when he had came in. He was the first diaper I'd ever changed... We definitely bonded that Sunday.
(having a beautiful child sleep on you while you lay on a bench is the greatest)
Monday his parents came to pick him up. We prayed for him, and sent him with plenty of diapers, water, formula, and clothes.... I was slightly a wreck in the other room... I didn't plan on him leaving, I had no idea he wasn't one of our kids, and now he's gone, who knows where, and is in the hands of someone of people who, in my mind at the time, clearly didn't love him... I just couldn't believe it.
That was one of that longest 36 hours... But then, guess what, Tuesday afternoon after a run-in at the market with his mother, director Diane gave his mother tap tap (taxi) money and he was back with us, already very sick. Again! That was just one night!
So I made my place in the nursery. Diane and I both checked on him through the night - I couldn't sleep much had I even tried... Then the next morning, she brought him into where we ate breakfast, and "handed him to his mom" and she laid him in my arms. I love this child - this perfect little boy, this beautiful creation of God. His big beautiful eyes would just stare at me - love those eyes!
The rest of the time went by and he'd gotten significantly better.
After I left - 2 weeks went by and his parents were supposed to pick him up.. they didn't. Another week went by, and his mother came and got him... Time went by, he was extremely sick again, and that was enough, haitian social services stepped in(I forget the specific name for them) and he was given to another missionary family to be taken care of for two weeks while they decided where was best to place him. They gave him to that family, the Mangine family. Who are now in the process of adopting him.
He's healthy, thriving, and one year old today. I can't thank God enough, or describe how grateful I am.
I can't count the nights of tears and prayers, asking God why he would allow this, wondering where Schneider was when he was with his parents, wondering if he was sick again... and simply all the "what ifs" I could think of when no one had heard from them. -and now, he's 12 months old-
He.Is.Safe. He.Is.Healthy. He.Is.Loved.
Please pray for him, his old family, and his new family.