Saturday, September 22, 2012

Joe Took My Pictures

While out on our Photography Friday adventure last week, Joe and I had the opportunity to share the spotlight. We were both in front of the camera and took turns shooting each other; an experience we're both easing our way into comfort with. This was now my third time being the focus, and at times I was feeling awkward, and frustrating that I couldn't see through his lens. But my first time with Jamey (click here to see), and second with Emilee (click here to see) gave me a an idea on what to expect and I'm getting more and more comfortable with it. Plus, Joe is amazing; he brings laughter and calms nerves with familiarity.

Through Joe's Lens

Thank you to
Joe Jackson
inHISname Photography


  1. i like these :D
    lol -Joe

  2. what beautiful pictures. He captured your spirit in them!
