Monday, February 13, 2012

Day Five - Wednesday

Breakfast, pancakes with peanut butter and sugar. Then I helped Ryan outside build the cabinets which was awesome, getting to use the saw, and the (some name special name Cameron said) nail gun. We put on some Lecrae, then didn't stop until lunch. I felt really helpful :) Like when I helped Mark do the cabinets for the kids kitchen the day Glenn was gone, And how I helped Drex repair the toilets and put the doors back in.

For lunch we had chicken and dumplings and rice, which Zac said was his favorite. I had rice with sauce with Annie :)

After lunch I sitting in the car outside of the Texico waiting for Michelle and Phoebe, they were cashing a check at Joel's. Mackenson was sleeping on me after about 15 minutes, best feeling ever! Annnnndddd I got to meet Joel :) soo cool! He and his family are one of THE seven families in Haiti. Ivorians believe he came outside so I could meet him. And his English was so good. We talked about how he'd just been in California.

Today Stephen came up to me and it gave me knots in my stomach, you could tell something was wrong. He told me that Natalie, a girl a few of us knew with CP (left) died on the Saturday we got there and Rebekah, Michelle, and some nannies went to her funeral. She died of the mumps... That was really hard, being so angry and upset, because that is so curable with some antibiotics!! I couldn't believe how much I broke down. I was just so angry, crying was the only way I could get it out.

Later that afternoon we also caught a rat while ripping out the kitchen and Zac killed it with a machete - talk about an adrenaline rush! That was good.

And I had the best moment with
Merci Dieu, just being upset and needing to hug him, know that he was safe, and in our care. He was so sweet, and hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe, kids are the best.

Then I went upstairs with Phoebe as she drew pictures of the little girls, Mirlande, and Esther, and myself. She's so insightful, and has amazing gifts!

We also went to dinner, Ryan almost fell about of the truck on the way up the hill (Cameron driving), I almost got hit by a banana tree, I had goat, and mango ice cream, then we saw an interesting scene in a police car on the way home. On the way Rebekah and I saw bats that were flying over us, then a banana leaf flew into us off the cab of the truck, and Jay couldn't stop laughing at how much we freaked out!

We got home and had our group time, then played farkle and told stories with Annie, Bek, Carrie, Stephen, and myself. It was great seeing what they're all about and the vision for our Family Village <3 And some HILARIOUS stories :) It's been a roller coaster of a day for sure though. So many emotions.

One thing I hold onto from this day, is that Natalie is running around with Jesus now, with out the limitations that this world gave her. She's free.

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